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Nasz adres:  Acarkent sitesi Sokak 15 - Daire T13
34800 Istanbul  
Shah Corporation
Numer telefonu:  +9053 31635067
Numer faksu:  nie istnieje
Strona internetowa:  www.shahcorporationltd.com/
Shah Corporation, a multi-national company with its origin in Denmark, UK, Pakistan and now based in Istanbul, Turkey, expanding worldwide having its subsidiaries all over the European and Asian region.

Shah Corporation comes with a portfolio of more than 4 years of experience in international distribution and it constitutes massive plans to take this bandwagon forward and be a world-known network of distributors. Owned and led by individuals instigating 30+ years of experience in their respective fields of Import/Export, Technology, Investment Solutions, global trading, media industry, and corporate broadcasting; the corporation is an absolute magnate of the future