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Unsere Anschrift:  Kashira Hwy, 80
115446 Москва  
Telefonnummer:  +91-9325887033
Fax Nummer:  nicht vorhanden
Webseite:  www.spineandneurosurgeryhospitalindia.com/
Spine surgical procedures are commonly performed to alleviate pain and address various symptoms by either relieving pressure on compressed nerves or stabilizing the spine. With expertise in non-surgical and minimally invasive spinal approaches, Dr. Hitesh Garg frequently assists his patients in finding relief from pain without resorting to surgery. Best spine surgeon Artemis Hospital Gurgaon takes a comprehensive approach from diagnosis to treatment plan development and postoperative care. India's spine and neurosurgical services have gained significant global recognition and popularity through their outstanding medical tourism services.